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School Age Program: Grades 1 to 6

We're pleased to offer before and after school care , coverage on non-instructional school days, March break and a summer Discovery camp program for students in Grades 1 to 6!   Our children have the opportunity to be creative, further their learning, socialize with other children, and play games outdoors! 


Parents and guardians receive daily updates as well as weekly photo documentation through the Himama.



Before and after school, 2 balanced snacks are provided daily.  Snacks are prepared to  incorporate a variety of food groups.  


When students are in attendance for a full day, a nutritious hot lunch is provided.  We use the services of Halpert Catering.   Halpert offers a variety of nutritious meals and is able to accommodate food allergies and all dietary requirements.


Weekly healthy eating opportunities are planned allowing children to make fun snacks and develop an understanding of nutrition.


Our room library encourages reading and an appreciation of literature.  Our books and children's magazines are representative of our cultural diversity and reflect the interests of the students.


Students may also complete homework in an area condusive to learning.

Learning Opportunities

The room is set up daily with engaging learning opportunities including sensory, crafts, creative art, table games, science and nature, dramatic play and building. 


Through play the children are provided with time to converse with peers, build upon their interests and emerging abilities.  


We encourage the students to contribute ideas and suggestions into the program recognizing the value of their inquiry and natural curiosity.

Gross Motor/Physical Learning

Students play outdoors once a regular scheduled day and twice daily for full day programs


Students and teachers plan and offer daily gross motor/physical learning opportunities that incorporates children's interests.


Group games that promote skill building and positive social interactions are offered as well as individual outdoor play.


 When the weather is inclement, we are able to  utilize the school's gym space.

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